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Foster a Beagle
Dogs Needing a Foster Home
What you need to know

Become A Foster

If you can take a displaced beagle into your home and heart, give of yourself and your time, and provide a bridge to the future, then you can make all the difference in the world to a dog.

Foster homes are the lifeblood of most rescue organizations and some shelters as well. Each individual dog that is found as a stray, given up by an owner, or pulled from a shelter and brought into foster care creates an opportunity for a new life for that dog. In the case of a shelter dog, it literally saves lives. Without an open foster home, rescue organizations lack the resources to pull dogs out of shelters and put them in a temporary place where they can be socialized and evaluated.

What are the characteristics of a good foster home?

Versatility: There are times when a foster dog will need to be seen by a vet. This is for both routine care (spaying/neutering and vaccinations) and follow-up treatment (checking injuries, flea treatment, etc.). These dogs also need to be seen to be adopted, so showing the dog at public events (adoption days, pet expos, etc.) can give a potential adopter a great opportunity to interact with the dog.

Flexibility: Temporarily taking in a dog can be inconvenient and trying. You need to be able to reschedule family appointments and juggle personal priorities. Your personal pets (with your encouragement) will also need to be flexible enough to learn to peacefully coexist with the new arrival.

  Patience: Not every dog that comes into rescue is affable and friendly at first. Some are quite fearful and unhappy after being in a shelter or out wandering the streets. It can take time for them to recover and acclimate to being in a home. A foster setting gives each dog time to come out of her shell and show her true personality.

 Determination: There are going to be times when nothing seems to work, no matter how hard you try. Dealing with medications or feeding schedules, behavioral issues, or cleaning up indoor accidents isn’t fun, but it is part of the routine.

 Commitment: It takes very special, very dedicated people to take in a dog, teach them manners and socialize them, and then let them go when the right adopter comes along.

Although it is a bittersweet event for even the most experienced foster families, permanent adoption of the dog to the right family is always the ultimate goal. Many foster homes keep a photo album of those dogs they have helped and keep in touch with the adopters.

Fostering isn’t for everyone. Yet, for those with the uncanny ability to juggle their time, share their love, and maintain some kind of order, they are giving a priceless gift.

This article is reprinted with permission from author Caron Sarver.

Fostering for midwest brew

Frequently Asked Questions

How often are foster homes needed?

Midwest BREW is always looking for foster homes since the demand for our assistance continues to grow. The more foster homes we have, the more beagles we can help.

Many of our foster homes care for foster beagles on a regular basis while others foster when they are available to help.

Midwest BREW receives a large number of pleas to help beagles in need, but we can only help when foster homes are available. Despite our efforts and successes, beagles are still euthanized in our region when space and time become an issue. Midwest BREW needs foster homes to give homeless beagles the time they need to find their “forever” family.

What are the responsibilities of a foster home?

Foster families provides their foster dog with food, treats, and love. They also work on socialization, basic training skills, and HOUSETRAINING. Most of our beagles are not housetrained, so our foster homes must be willing to work with the beagle on this.

The foster home evaluates the health (with veterinary assistance), personality, and traits of the foster beagle. They will also evaluate the sociability of the dog with adults, children, and other animals, and determine the level of training the dog has had in the past. Is the beagle active? Does the beagle need to be in a one-dog family? Does the beagle need another dog as a playmate? In special cases, Midwest BREW will assist with the evaluation through referrals to certified animal behaviorists and obedience trainers. Midwest BREW expects foster beagles to be treated as part of your family, as you would your own pet. Safe places to sleep, eat, rest, and play are essential.

Do foster homes have to complete any paperwork while fostering?

Yes, and we offer a mentor to assist with the paperwork and provide a fostering handbook. During the fostering period, foster homes are asked to evaluate the beagle. Foster families work with our adoption counselors to recommend appropriate placement into permanent homes. Foster homes typically speak with potential adopters, prepare the appropriate paperwork for adoption, and forward the completed paperwork to Midwest BREW once the adoption has taken place.

How much notice is given when a foster home is needed?

Rescue is unpredictable. Sometimes Midwest BREW receives several beagles within a short period of time. It is important for foster homes to be flexible and available as much as possible. Midwest BREW will contact foster families as soon as we receive word of a beagle in need of foster care. Most beagles are transported on the weekends when volunteers have more free time.

Are there any costs involved in fostering?

The foster family is asked to provide good quality dog food in quantities appropriate for the size and age of the beagle. Midwest BREW covers the cost of all medical expenses, including heartworm and flea/tick preventative. The most important thing a foster home provides is LOVE!

What about beagles that need special help?

Midwest BREW occasionally takes in a beagle that needs some very special help. They may have been living outside and do not understand what it means to live inside and follow the “house” rules. Maybe they have been crated whenever they have been in the house and haven’t learned the “house” rules either. Sometimes we take in a dog that has not been fed or trained properly and has some issues around food or feeding. Some dogs have never been socialized properly and are extremely shy or fearful of objects or strangers. All of these problems are directly related to their prior life and are not the fault of the dog. We need foster homes for these dogs, too. Midwest BREW has a lot of resources to help you help these dogs. With help and gentle and loving guidance, these dogs can go on to live normal, well-adjusted, happy lives. If you feel that you are prepared to take on one of these bigger challenges, please let us know of your interest to assist these special beagles.

What if problems occur with a foster beagle?

Midwest BREW does not abandon its foster families and is committed to providing guidance throughout the fostering experience. If there is a problem or question, contact us immediately so the appropriate action can be taken. Help is just a phone call or email away.

Do foster families have a say in who adopts their foster beagle?

Yes, Midwest BREW and foster families work together to find the best match for each foster dog. You are the one living with the beagle. You know habits and preferences. Your opinion is important for a successful adoption; however, Midwest BREW has the final say.

Can foster homes take a vacation while fostering?

Yes. Everyone needs a break now and then! If a foster family needs to be away from home while they are fostering, they should contact the Director of Intake as soon as possible. The Director will try to make arrangements to have the foster beagle cared for by an alternate foster home, or the foster home may decide to place the beagle in a local kennel while away.

How long are beagles in foster care?

Every beagle is different, and many factors affect a beagle’s adoptability, including age, temperament, appearance, time of year.

What are the rewards of fostering?

The satisfaction of knowing you have helped save a life is the biggest reward of all. Many foster families tell of a warm, happy feeling and a feeling of self worth when they help a beagle find a loving home.

Foster homes with children have found fostering to be a wonderful way to teach their children compassion and giving of themselves.

The Vital Role of Fostering

Dogs hold a special place in our hearts, offering unwavering loyalty and unconditional love. But, there exists a population of dogs who are in need of temporary shelter, care, and love – dogs awaiting their forever homes in shelter and rescue organizations.

Read the full article here

Interested in fostering for Midwest BREW?

Please submit an application to become a volunteer.

After submitting your application, we will call to discuss fostering with you and also give you a chance to ask any unanswered questions about the Midwest BREW foster program. Midwest BREW also completes a veterinary and/or reference check to ensure you have treated your past and current pets well. We will then arrange a home visit by one of our volunteers. If everything works out, you will then be ready to foster and help a beagle in need.