Get Involved
How You Can Helpfoster homes desperately needed
Foster A Beagle
- Do you love dogs?
- Do you want to learn more about beagles?
- Do you have space, time, and energy for another dog?
- Do you enjoy training and teaching dogs basic manners?
- Are you up for some unconditional love?
- Are you ready for a challenge?
- Do you want to save a life?
We receive pleas on a daily basis from shelters, animal control officers, vet offices, and the general public asking for assistance in placing beagles in need. Most of the time, the request for assistance is the dog’s last chance. Unfortunately, we NEVER have enough foster homes. Midwest BREW does not operate a kennel or shelter, so foster homes are critically important to the work we do. Please consider becoming a Midwest BREW foster home and experience the joy of saving a life.
See dogs currently looking for a foster family
join the midwest brew crew
Midwest Beagle Rescue, Education and Welfare is an all-volunteer organization. Our volunteers are located throughout a six state area: Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. This organization could not exist without the dedicated services of our volunteers.
There is no specific time commitment to become a volunteer. When you are available to do a home visit, attend a fundraising or special event, assist with a transport, or put your writing talents and office skills to good use, you just let us know.
Whether you enjoy talking to the public or prefer to be behind the scenes helping with administrative tasks or transport services, we have a place for you. All we ask is that your heart be open to helping our beagles find their “furever” home.
Midwest BREW operates solely the generosity of others. Big or small, every donation helps in our ability to care for these animals.
Midwest BREW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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