Always in our heart
Rainbow Bridge Tributes

In September of 2011 we adopted the sweetest little nine-week-old beagle from Midwest BREW. She was one of the Midwest BREW puppies fostered by Jane. She was called Killian but to us she was our pretty Penny. She loved us all and we loved her dearly. Penny was especially attached to me (mom). She followed me everywhere and was always most content when she could be with me. Penny always went with us on family vacations and eventually became a pretty good traveler. She hardly ever barked but would communicate very clearly what she wanted (usually food). No one ever came to our house without a friendly greeting from our sweet girl.
In the summer of 2022 she was diagnosed with cancer and by April 2023 it had spread to multiple areas. The dear little girl was so sweet and patient but when she was no longer able to eat or drink we knew it was time to let her go. She crossed the rainbow bridge on April 21st. There is a huge hole in our family now. We miss her so much.
Thank you Midwest BREW for blessing our family with such a precious gift.
~ Kathy Finkbeiner

Dolly Maxa
We adopted our Dolly on January 10th, 2009 and we helped her crossed the
rainbow bridge on June 24th 2023. In the 14 1/2 years we had her in our
lives she was sister to our Libby who left us 5 years earlier and the
best girl any family could ever ask for. We miss her badly and our
hearts are broken but we long for the day that 2 more beagles rescue us!
And are beginning that process now in Dolly’s memory.
~ Ken and Laura Maxa

It’s with a heavy heart to share that my beagle, Allie, passed away
peacefully on December 10, 2023. I adopted Allie from Midwest BREW on
October 10, 2020 and her foster dad was the wonderful Bill Chamberlain
in Pennsylvania. Allie was 6 years old and she had a very aggressive
bladder cancer. On July 25th, the doctors at the MedVet Oncology center
in Chicago, gave Allie days to weeks. To everyone’s surprise, Allie
stayed with us 4.5 more months!
Allie lived a life full of love and adventure in the heart of downtown
Chicago. She enjoyed walks to her favorite parks, the lakefront, and to
the dog food truck. Allie had an exuberant amount of friends throughout
the city whether they were fellow pups, neighbors, or employees of a
local store. She enjoyed car rides in the city, adventures to relatives
homes nearby, and many plane rides to visit our family in Arizona.
Wherever Allie went, she always had a smile on her face and a pep in her
step. If you would like a peek at all our adventures, this was the
Instagram that I made for her.
I will forever be grateful for Midwest BREW for providing me with the
best beagle I could have ever had.
~ Jeanette Bravo

We sadly said goodbye to our sweet, beautiful Audrey on December 29, 2023. She had a large spleen tumor and her vet thought it was likely cancer due to her bloodwork and symptoms. We felt it was best for Audrey to let her go peacefully and without pain.
Audrey became a part of our family on February 21, 2015. After speaking to Becky, Audrey’s 2nd foster mom, I knew Audrey was meant for us. I can still hear Becky saying, “there’s something special about Audrey”, and she was so right.
Audrey had a bright, sparkly spirit, just like her namesake Audrey Hepburn. I think she really thought she was a glamorous movie star. Well, that’s how we treated her. Audrey made us laugh with her adorable personality and silly antics. She radiated so much love, as if that was her purpose, to give love. And we gave her so much love in return. Audrey filled our lives with immense joy, every day making our hearts smile.
Thank you for rescuing Audrey. We’re incredibly grateful to all of you and her foster moms for the love and care provided to Audrey. It was truly a blessing and honor to have her in our lives. Audrey will be forever loved and missed.
~ Teresa Aguilo

I just want to inform you of the peaceful passing of one of your and our fur babies Scout, who was adopted in November 2016 we loved him dearly he was wonderful and I Thank you for the gift of his adoption.
~ Dave and Bonnie Boyk

I am heartbroken to let you know that Samson, who I adopted through you in October 2016 passed away today.
Thank you for finding me my second boy with your rescue. I do hope Sam and Frazier – plus my other non BREW dogs each other on the other end.
~ Frank Balzanto

I adopted Fungo on February 18, 2023 as a senior. He settled in quickly and was a good buddy and sweet but funny guy. He had some trouble walking in the beginning and would trip but he became strong enough for three daily walks! I finally met many of my neighbors and their dogs. We could not miss walk time, even in the cold. He had the cutest trot! Fungo had a unique bark like a foghorn. He’d bark long and loud for critters or when people walked by, which always made everyone smile. Fungo also loved his toys, carrying them around and laying with his collection. He developed some neurological issues that were affecting his quality of life. Fungo crossed to the Rainbow Bridge on June 14, 2024.
~ Melissa Velte

Evie beloved companion to Frank Benadum passed away on 7/31/2024

Thank you Midwest BREW for sharing such wonderful beagles with us! We
adopted Baxter in January to be a companion to our Nellie beagle. Baxter
was about 8 years old. He have a fenced in yard with woods behind it
just teeming with wildlife. Baxter loved to chase anything that was
brave enough to come into the yard. He also loved to snuggle on the
couch between his humans. He had these soulful eyes that were finally
beginning to show his trust for all of us. He developed spleen issues
that were putting him in severe pain. We couldn’t let him suffer. He
crossed the rainbow bridge on July 12, 2024. Thank you, Baxter Bath, for
bringing such love and joy to our family. You will be furever missed!
~ Carrie Bath-Scheel

I’m just writing to let you know of the passing of my beloved dog, Riley on 12/7/2024. He was formerly Steven Tyler from the American Idol litter- 06/14/2011. I loved him so much and this is a crushing loss. He developed a few cardiac issues and it’s been a difficult and expense year keeping him on all his medications. I miss him terribly. I feel so blessed to have adopted this sweet boy and had him for 13 1/2 years.
Thank you.
~ Mary Anne Burns

Hi my wife and I adopted Jerry on 1/9/2016 from BREW. He crossed over on 1/1/2025 . He was a wonderful dog and we def rescued each other .
~ John Justice